
Watt-hour Meter
Mini Circuit Breaker
Industrial Plug & Socket
AC Contactor
Warning Light
Photo Controls
Ventilating Fan
Wall Switches & Socket
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??????????????????????? : Mini Circuit Breaker
ART Mini Circuit Breaker

-To choose the shunt that is appropriate with the task, don't leave too much allowance,andscrew it tight.

-To use one shunt for one phase and every phase should have the same value.

-Ampere setting button of every phase must be at the same position.

-To be careful for the plate of insulation under the ceramic base be broken.

-To screw the line connector's pole tight to avoid the connector's pole hot.

-It should not be installed outdoor where may be exposed to the rain.


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Address: No. 1, Kaituo Road, Houjie Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Leqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel: +86 - 577 - 62779888 62765710   Fax: +86 - 577 - 62779071 62786999
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