
Watt-hour Meter
Mini Circuit Breaker
Industrial Plug & Socket
AC Contactor
Warning Light
Photo Controls
Ventilating Fan
Wall Switches & Socket
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??????????????????????? : Mini Circuit Breaker
LLB5(NT50) Mini Circuit Breaker
LLB5-32 series safety type mini circuit breakers features lively machine,excellent quality,beauti-ful appearance,small volume.The product is suitable for AC 50Hz/60Hz,rated voltage up to 240V,rated current up to 32A,it is  used for  protection of the overload and short circuit of all kinds ofmodern family  applicable  apparatus.It can also be  used for unfrequent operation and control.

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Address: No. 1, Kaituo Road, Houjie Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Leqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel: +86 - 577 - 62779888 62765710   Fax: +86 - 577 - 62779071 62786999
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